I have recently started learning C# language, which, compared to python, is a lot more verbose and structured. C# syntax is influenced by C and C++ languages.
Part of CS50 Introduction to Computer Science course used C language, so having seen the syntax before helps a lot. However, working mostly with Python, there is a lot of difference.
As I like to do, I will try to summarize key points as it helps me to learn and understand the language more.
Today I will take a look at Access Modifiers.
Access Modifiers
Access modifiers play a crucial role in determining the accessibility of classes, methods, and other members within your codebase.
They provide a means to control the visibility and accessibility of these elements, ensuring proper encapsulation and maintaining the integrity of your code.
Public Access Modifier
The public
access modifier allows members to be accessed from any other code in the same assembly or referencing assembly.
Private Access Modifier
The private
access modifier restricts access to members within the same class or struct. They cannot be accessed from outside the containing type.
Protected Access Modifier
The protected
access modifier allows access to members within the same class or derived classes. They cannot be accessed from outside the containing type or unrelated classes.
Internal Access Modifier
The internal
access modifier allows access to members within the same assembly but restricts access from outside the assembly.
Protected internal Access Modifier
The protected internal
access modifier allows access to members within the same assembly or derived classes, whether they are in the same assembly or not.
Private protected Access Modifier
The private protected
access modifier allows access to members within the same assembly and from derived classes that are in the same assembly.
Access modifiers play important role as they can greatly enhance the organization, security, and maintainability of your C# codebase.